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Online Offering Presenters


Starhawk is an author, activist, permaculture designer and teacher, and a prominent voice in modern earth-based spirituality and ecofeminism. She is the author or co-author of thirteen books, including The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess and the ecotopian novel The Fifth Sacred Thing, and its sequel City of Refuge.

Her most recent non-fiction book is The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups, on group dynamics, power, conflict and communications.

Starhawk founded Earth Activist Training, teaching permaculture design grounded in spirituality and with a focus on activism. She travels internationally, lecturing and teaching on earth-based spirituality, the tools of ritual, and the skills of activism.
  • Wrestling with the Complexities of Heritage
  • Chants for Transformation with Evelie & Starhawk


Rhonda Alin

Rhonda is a Psychic and Reader of both Oracle and Tarot cards as well as an instructor, and the founder of Northern New Jersey Tarot. She purchased her first deck of divination cards at age 12, which was about the same time she began studying the Egyptian Book of the Dead. She is a Scorpio sun and moon and is dedicated to providing her clients with a positive, insightful, and meaningful reading experience.
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  • Using the Tarot to Meet the Guardians of your Magical Sanctuary


Morgan Daimler

Morgan Daimler writes about Irish myth, fairies, and related subjects. Their writing has appeared in a variety of magazines and anthologies including Pagan Dawn and By Harp, Club, & Cauldron.

They have presented papers on the intersection of fairies and fiction for Ohio State University’s ‘Fairies and the Fantastic’ conference as well as the ‘Ill Met By Moonlight’ conference. Morgan is also the author of a variety of fiction and non-fiction books including the urban fantasy/paranormal romance series Between the Worlds, and through Moon Books a selection including bestsellers Fairy Witchcraft, Fairies, Pagan Portals: The Morrigan, and Pagan Portals: Brigid.
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  • Fairies: Folklore and Beyond


Kristoffer Hughes

Kristoffer Hughes is Chief of the Anglesey Druid Order, a Welsh polytheistic community located on the sacred Isle of Anglesey off the coast of Wales; the ancient chief-seat of the British Druids.

He is an award winning author of several books focusing on Druidry, Celtic spirituality and death, dying and bereavement. He is a Druid graduate of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, and its 13th Mount Haemus Scholar. Hughes' first language is Welsh. He can be found teaching the Druid tradition of Wales in workshops, conferences and classes worldwide and online.

Professionally he works in service to Her Majesty's Coroner at Mortuaries and bereavement centres throughout the United Kingdom. He resides on the Isle of Anglesey.
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  • Welsh Mythology: a Native Perspective


Lon Milo DuQuette

PantheaCon veteran, and author of 19 critically acclaimed books (translated in 12 languages) on Magick and the Occult, Lon Milo DuQuette is one of the most respected and entertaining writers and lecturers in the world in the field of the Western Mystery Traditions. He is also a gifted singer songwriter and former Epic Records recording artist whose musical career spans 50 years.

Since 1975 he has served as a national and international governing officer of Ordo Templi Orientis, one of the most influential magical societies of the 20th Century. He is an internationally recognized authority on tarot and western ceremonial magick. Although he takes these subjects very seriously, he tries not to take himself too seriously. This rare combination of scholarship and humor has earned him in the last 30 years a unique and respected position in American spiritual and esoteric literature.

He lives in Sacramento, California with Constance, his wife of 55 years.
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  • Magical Life in Times of Plague and Pestilence


Phoenix Coffin-Williams

Rt. Rev. Phoenix is a licensed mental health counselor (NYS, NH) with experience in both inpatient and out patient treatment. Phoenix has training in treating addictions, sexual concerns, marital and relationship concerns, as well as a DSM-5 worthy list of Mental Health concerns and disorders. Having studied in the Correllian Nativist Church and attained all 3 degrees of initiation, Rev. Phoenix enjoys combining occult strategies with empirically supported methods to deliver quality care, and functions from an "Emancipation Theology" for magickal and ministerial work.
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  • Future life pregression, A magickal technique
  • Obliterating Generational Curses, Resolving Ancestral karma: Methods for Magickal Clergy


Evelie Delfino Såles Posch

Evelie Delfino Såles Posch is a sacred song singer/writer, culture bearer & music educator. She is a devoted chantress (in 34 languages); Certified Sound Therapist & Pranic Healer, and ritualist. She has roots in her indigenous Babaylan (witch doctor) tradition from the Philippines as well as with Reclaiming. Evelie has been singing all her life according to her mother and first teacher, Divinia. Evelie's music ministry brings her to assisted living & rehab centers, hospitals, retirement homes, & even prisons.
  • Chants for Transformation with Evelie & Starhawk




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